At the heart of the Strategy is that: archaeology is for everyone and that the delivery of the Strategy is led by the archaeological sector.
We want to:
- Promote Scotland’s Archaeology Strategy and vision for 2015 – 2025
- Encourage adoption of the Strategy as best practice for all
- Let people know progress of the Strategy delivery
- Encourage wider engagement with the Strategy and provide chances for people to get involved
Getting Involved
We would love you to promote the Archaeology Strategy where you can. We have provided logos, style guide and templates to help you do this;
When referencing the Strategy in academic citations, the following Harvard format is recommended for the online and printed versions respectively;
- Scottish Strategic Archaeology Committee, (2016). Scotland’s Archaeology Strategy. 1st ed. [ebook]. Available at: [Accessed 1 November 2018].
- Scottish Strategic Archaeology Committee, (2016). Scotland’s Archaeology Strategy. Edinburgh.